Wonderful Partial Eclipse seen in Newport

On Friday 20th March, 2015, a 90% partial solar eclipse was seen from Newport, with clear, albeit slightly misty skies. It made a wonderful sight, reaching a maximum at about 09:26.

This eclipse, which was only total if you went to the Faroe Islands or Svalbard, was widely reported in the press. It is the last solar eclipse on this scale that we will see in Wales until 2026.

150320 Partial Eclipse

Shown above is a composite picture of the solar eclipse at various stages, superimposed on a photograph of Newport Bay taken at the point of maximum eclipse. The light was quite strange! (The sun is not to scale.)

Click the following link to view a larger image: http://naeg.org.uk/resources/150320%20Partial%20Solar%20Eclipse.jpg

Not many people in Newport seemed to be prepared for the wonderful sight. It is essential to have proper solar viewing glasses to protect your eyes. My wife was to be found in the high street handing out her spare pairs – we should probably have been better prepared but earlier in the week the forecast had been for cloudy skies.