This GE map will help you to identify the sites referred to in this Article :
Feidr Bentick/Feidr Eglwys Sites Map
Land North of Feidr Eglwys (Site HA 824)
This site was not one of those identified by the Landscape Planning Consultants employed by the NPA in 2007 but rather came forward at the Preferred Strategy Consultation Stage (Winter 2008) as a proposal made by the local County Councillor acting as agent for some of the land owners. It is proposed for upto 12 houses, 8 of which are to be “affordable housing” on two fields to the north of Fedir Eglwys and to the west of its junction with Feidr Bentick. This site is now the largest single site proposed by the NPA in the LDP and has attracted much objection from local residents. In particular, the highway use implications, given the narrowness of the surrounding lanes, and the proposal to set back the Pembrokeshire hedgebank along the north side of Feidr Eglwys has caused much constenation.
Alternate sites south of Goat Street (Sites Alt 1056 & Alt 1057)
The landowners of thie HA 825 site, who wish to see this development proposal go forward, have formed a company called “Bentick Developments Inc”. However they argue that the requiirment for 70% affordable housing contribution is economically too onerous and makes the project not viable as a profitable development. Accordingly they have proposed a further two sites to come forward in a phased manner (i.e. only after the main site is developed) for further housing , but which is not then limited by the making of an affordable housing contribution.
The consideration of these sites has been coupled together with two furhter sets of proposals for houising development in the surrounding area.
Land south of Drwsynant ( Site HA 825)
Firstly, the Consultants identified the paddock to the south of Drwsynant (Site 824) as suitable for a further four dwellings, which was subsequnetly taken on board and recommended by the NPA. Although note well that because this is for the allocation of less than 5 houses, it is classified by them as a so-called sub-allocation and does not appear on many maps they produce as a formal allocation site. We are informed that once again this allocation has taken place without the concurrence of the land owner, but we do not know definitavely.
Land South of New Housing on Feidr Eglwys (Site 905)
Secondly, the Town Council (NTC) has proposed this site on the enclosure immediatley to the east of the HA 825 site, which they asserted has the clear advantage that it could use the existing cul-de-sac accessed off Feidr Egwlys as site access to a new development to the rear, rather than needing yet a further junction being created onto that lane. However, the NPA feels that this site is much more prominent and visually sentiive than the neighbouring site and has opposed it.
Our Submissions on the comparison between these two sites :
Land East of Fedir Bentick (Site 906)
Finally the NTC has also proposed this site on land immediately to the south of the main raod (opposite Richards Bros Bus & Coach Depot), to be accessed off the main road inside the 30mph speed limit, and thereby avoiding any additional traffic movement demands being placed on the narrow lanes around Feidr Bentick and Feidr Eglwys. Since proposing this site they (the NTC) have clarified that they would see development (certainly in the first instance) as only taking place on the north side of the western most part of the site (i.e. closeest to the junction of Feidr Bentick with the main road).